Rabu, 06 Februari 2008

Alnez Win

Sediakan waktu untuk berteman itulah jalan menuju kebahagiaan.
Sediakan waktu untuk bermimpi itulah yang membawa kereta anda ke bintang.
Sediakan waktu untuk melihat sekeliling hari anda terlalu singkat untuk mementingkan diri

Selasa, 05 Februari 2008

yuni hastuti

try to be better than before

Aileen SeTiAnI

Time to pop-the-bubbles,
cheer yourself hoarse
and have a whole lotta fun with all your dear ones

Senin, 04 Februari 2008


Ketika kumohon kepada Allah kekuatan, Allah memberiku kesulitan agar aku menjadi kuat.
Ketika kumohon kepada Allah kebijaksanaan, Allah memberiku masalah untuk dipecahkan.
Ketika kumohon kepada Allah kesejahteraan, Allah memberiku akal untuk berfikir.
Ketika kumohon kepada Allah keberanian, Allah memberiku kondisi bahaya untuk kuatasi.
Ketika kumohon kepada Allah sebuah cinta, Allah memberiku orang-orang bermasalah untuk ku tolong.
Ketika kumohon kepada Allah bantuan, Allah memberiku kesempatan.
Aku tak pernah menerima apa yang kupinta, tetapi aku menerima segala yang kubutuhkan karna ...
Allah tidak memberikan sesuatu yang KALIAN MINTA tetapi apa yang KALIAN BUTUHKAN ....
Terjawab-lah SUDAH DOA-ku kepada-MU


My TeArS eRaSeD "I LuV U"
fRoM d bLaCkbOaRd oF My HeArT

sheila mae corong

If you only knew the pain
The pain I keep inside
The pain that makes me "me"
Then without it who am I
In a room with broken
walls I lay in scene and dreams I want you to see


I'm just ordinary girl, always try 2 positive thinking n looking 4 my soulmate who loving,
care n understand me !! Just remember ...
Be Ur Self No Matter What They Say ...
klo emang qta ga salah ngapain musti takut ... ok

roury isyabella

And after these things i saw another angel come down from heaven,
having great power;'n the earth was lightened with his glory

cutie ulie

Merasakan apa yg dirasakan saat ini,
rasanya terlalu pahit untuk meninggalkan..
tapi juga terlalu sedih untuk terus bertahan..
walaupun ada keinginan untuk tetap tinggal,
tapi tak tertahankan menanggung perihnya

Suri Januarsih

Somehow..the Chemistry is so real

Sari Parker

Depressed but on style.....hiks


Stand up for what you believe is right

Inge Koe

living life with love

rita isdiantini

duh dunia.......asyik dech....SUMPAH


Tetaplah puas melakukan perbuatan yang baik dan biarkanlah orang lain membcarakan dirimu sesuka mereka

c h e b y hugxZ


Ulee Ulee



Hmm, if possible maybe this March i will be coming to beijing.
So for those who are still in Beijing, maybe if i have time,
i will come to meet you there ok ?
Well i miss the Yang Rou Quer actually,
and the korean & Chinese BBQ, plus the Fish Cake

Noviati Dyah Wulandari

'Lebih baik memelihara apa yang ada di tangan kita,
daripada mengejar apa yg ada di tangan org lain
dan jika kita tdk bisa memiliki apa yg kita sukai
maka kita harus menyukai apa yang kita miliki'


Beautiful people are accident of nature.
but Beautiful old people are works of art

ummi tamimi

aku disini selalu untuk mu menanti dan terus menanti
walau aku tak pernah tau kau kembali...."


Don't make me kill you

yuli artha angraini

i'm the angel that Lord send me for the world

Dinny yy

everybody's changing

zerry fatma

Hidup ini penuh dgn kebohongan & kemunafikan

Linda Djaja

God sees us as we are and loves us through and through.
As He who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct,
for it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy

Mutia Mahdalena

Terima Kasih ya Allah atas kurnia yang Engkau limpahkah kpdku

Nelly Tambunan

"Im beautiful.. im beautiful , ITS TRUE

bebi safitri

whoever you are, You know what i feel inside.
I guarantee it never gonna be changing,today, tomorrow,
till the end of the day.
If you are blind, I trust God's not even He never just sleep for a while

Annas Fitri

waiting for my future


We'll Make Great Pets...We'll Make it Backutereane


coming home soon can't wait 4 that day

tince kaina

aku masih merasa muda HAHAHA

widya sari

Count down the days

Pungky Yudieati

Life is as good as you make it... Only YOU can lift yourself up!
Make a decision and start living it. Cheers


I will choose you, over all others, every day for all the days of my life


I am what you said I am

Minggu, 03 Februari 2008

l i t a m a n u r u n g

GOD often strips us of everything,
so that when we have nothing, we have HIM;
and when we have HIM, we have everything

DeWi FeBriA

If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday

BuLaN - INdAh

Cinta adalah bila kamu kehilangan rasa,gairah, romantika...
Dan masih tetap peduli padanya...
Cinta dimulai dengan sebuah senyuman...
Bertumbuh dengan sebuah ciuman...
Dan berakhir dengan tetesan air mata

'kori 'pakpahan

stRonG ouTsiDe...wEaK inSiDe... is iT tRue thAt LiFe's tRuLLy beAutiFuL


Biarlah semuanya itu INDAH di dalam TUHAN


but words are my weapon, as a gun to a soldier

e r v i n a

Just go with it...u'll be all right

dheeta nugrahaningtyas

Jalani hidup dg serius tapi santai dan apa adanya

diah eboz

love alters not with his briefhours and week, but bears it out.. even to the edge of doom. if this be error and upon me proved, i never writ, nor.. no man ever loved

Dewi Sakuntala

There's no key to happiness. The door is always open


Being a workaholic to get through Stress

Deasy-Echi Magdalena

Rest if you must but Don't Quit

Alvon Sibarani

Perseverance: "In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins ... not through strength, but through persistence

Junior Purba

The Beauty of Life not depend how Happy u'r,
But How Happy Others
Becoz of U" The Life is Beautiful,
Indonesia is Very2 Worth.
Enjoy the life that He hath given


Let Go, Let GOD, Lets Go


Always remain to say thanks to our GOD in small case and also big case

Martha Napitupulu


Lasminar Lusia Sihombing

Ora et Labora

Marsia Bedina Hutapea

Keluarga, sahabat, teman.. kebahagianku


HE has made everything beautiful in HIS time

sihombing edy gunawan



loving, caring and forgiving are the core soul of mine

anggie andini

live well, love much, laugh often

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2008


The best things in life can never be kept;
They must be given away. A Smile, a Kiss, and Love

qnonk qnonkpi

menghitung hari

Anggie Resma

If u do what u always did, u'll get what u always got...
think twice, is a wise solution


can't believe Heath Ledger's no more

ulima kartika

where`s my BiNtAnG?

ummul chikmawati

aku tidak pernah memilih kehidupan...
kehidupanlah yang memilihku


Stop and Stare, I Think I'm Moving But I go Nowhere. Yeah I Know That Everyone get Scared, but I Become what I can't Be


MoVe oN ur LiFe GaL

aacciidd dduuaa

Dunia ini tak seindah pikirku

Indira Damanik

ApA, KenApa, BaGaimAna, Dengan Apa, KaPaN.... Question Mark

nia rahmawati

Aku adalah aku Bukan kamu.... Bukan juga dia..
Sebuah proses perjalanan hidup menjadikan aku seperti aku yang ada

d-wee ningrum

Everyday i'm in love


For GOD is Sheer BEAUTY all Generous in LOVE LOYAL always and EVER
(Psalm 100:5)

nia purna

Life is waiting for you. It's all messed up but we're alive.
Life is waiting for you. It's all messed up but we'll survive.
(our lady peace)

'A'g'O' AgO

Where Love Is, There God Is Also

Yuanita Wati Wahyuningsih

Aku tak tahu harus bagaimana ???

mayang cahyaningsih

I love the way you love, care and purpose me..
so sweet and makes me loves you more, love u so hun

dewi chayank

wish you were here..somehow someday somewhere

agt lin

Ketika KEHIDUPAN memberimu seribu alasan untuk menangis
tunjukan kalau kmu mempunyai sejuta alasan untk tersenyum....
Tersenyumlah selalu

Nurie Abadi

Cerita hidupku selalu berubah ..
peran apapun aku harus jalani sebaik mungkin

Jumat, 01 Februari 2008

alda lina

Ya Allah, berilah aku cahaya dalam hatiku,
berilah aku cahaya dalam pendengaranku,
dan berilah aku cahaya dalam penglihatanku

cece cicit

janji itu di tepatin...bukanya di obraalll...
kalo mau di obral di pasar loak

ndu simple

tane kane subasa neku nenu taino solano hamdeso yumenu sumenu suta


Seandainya guwa bisa baca pikiran dan hati orang lain

ninoek maniez

HAdaPi deNGAn senYUMan & ikHLAs sGL yaNG terJAdi....
jAngaN pERnaH LAri Dari mAsaLAh...kenDAti kiTA TAKUt...
SeMUanYA tERjaDi buKAn taNPa awAL n paSti aDA aKhiR


totemo aishite imasu

ina mugni

Enjoy every Moment, being God's Most Beautiful Creature

leonie gloria

love is blind... tp yang percaya ma manusia lebih buta lgi.....
ye...percaya mah ma TUHAN

anggie andini

live well, love much, laugh often

'valensia II'

you must look into people,,as well as at them

Inex Inneke

From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen..
Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away

Atha Friyanti


Immanuel Agustinus

Fear of LORD is the beginning of wisdom

Denny Adito


nita sarapi

Berkat Tuhanlah yang menjadikan kaya,
susah payah tidak akan menambahinya

zandra tan

I'm so happy to have friends

TaRi Eny

terlalu banyaknya tak berdaya didalam kehidupan
adalah hal yg tak dapat dihindarkan,
tapi harus bisa belajar menghadapi,
belajar tidak mengelak

Fe Male

Di awal tahun, semua orang mengharapkan segalanya menjadi lebih indah.
I do too

susi wardhani

just enjoying your life

Keke Rismayanti

Life to short to be worried


If there's a sky above cloud number 9... I think I'm on it.... Huehehehe

citra kwanda

We can only learn to LOVE by LOVING.
-Iris Murdoch-


the happiest of people dont necessarily
have the best of everything.
They just make the most of everything that comes along their way

Dian Irawaty

a SMILE colours your life,
brings happines and blessing

Kemalasari Moedjenan

Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get,
only what you are expecting to give

siagian imelda

Love is blind..? Nothing can see as clear as love

Tussy Suwondo


Gita Dewi

I do believe in THE POWER OF MIND

Ria Yosefine

Yesterday GOD was with you
TODAY you are under His Care
Dont worry about tomorrow
God is already there!
that's how much God LOVES you All


JUst ThE wAY yOU aRe witH mE

Martina Gaol LG

Just do ur best...GOD will do the rest

Novita Yanti

Kebanyakan dari kita tidak mensyukuri apa yang tlah dimiliki,
tapi kita slalu menyesali apa yang blom kita raih

Fary FarY

.sesuatu yg aneh kadang asik juga yah

ika prasetyo

Love is respect, Love is pride Love is trust, Love is knowledges
but love also hurt,
love also cry
love can make us sad, mad, and disappointed

Prisc Kunti WikaS

My past... My present... My Future...
It' s aLL Mine.
I am somebody who I want to be

mayang sari

ambillah hikmah dari apa yang menimpamu... karena itu indah

Dona indah

bila kau berani jatuh cinta... maka kau harus siap patah hati


Zen me neng wang? Shi jian duo Zhang.
Ni Khuai le ma?
Xiang dai ting ni hui da

Ruth Junita

Segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya,
Serahkan semua rencana kita kepada God

Lyna SlimmY

Smart Girl Never Talk Too Much